Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Little Tip for Free Money!

Hey all!

I want to let you in on a cool feature of TPT that many people don't know about!

Did you know you earn TPT credits for purchases on TPT?  All you have to do is give the purchase a fair rating and TPT gives you credits to use on other purchases!

It's literally free money - no strings attached!  (I don't work for TPT or benefit at all from this - I just want to let you guys know!)

The picture below is available to download for free in my store.  You can zoom in on it and see exactly how easy it is to get the credits you have earned!
Mrs. Thomas Teachable Moments
Also, March 16th - March 17th, if you search #LuckyDeals on TeachersPayTeachers, you will find tons of resources on sale from many sellers for $1.00!  Click below to be taken to my store!
Mrs. Thomas' Teachable Moments